Bowerman et al. 2018: Temperature and Chinook Prespawn
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Species Common Name
Spring Chinook Salmon
Latin Name (Genus species)
species (latin)
Stressor Name
Specific Stressor Metric
Stressor Units
Vital Rate (Process)
Willamette River, OR
Key Covariates and Dependencies
Bankfull Width
Detailed SR Function Description
Density-independent survivorship for spring Chinook upstream migration and holding and stream temperature. Stream temperature is modelled as the 7-day average of daily maximum (7-DADM). Functional relationship is originally sourced from the Willamette River OR (see original source data from (Bowerman et al. 2018).
Regression line shows relationship for wild (non-hatchery) origin fish. Mortality increases with stream temperature
General Application Prespawn
Regression line shows relationship for wild (non-hatchery) origin fish. Mortality increases with stream temperature
General Application Prespawn
Stressor Magnitude Data
Empirical model that estimates fine sediment from road density, slope and bankfull width
PoE Chain
Upland development, road building, fine sediment, smothering of eggs, egg to fry surviorship
Function Type
Stressor Scale
Beechie, T. J., C. Nicol, C. Fogel, J. Jorgensen, J. Thompson, G. Seixas, J. Chamberlin, J. Hall, B. Timpane-Padgham, P. Kiffney, S. Kubo, and J. Keaton. 2021. Modeling Effects of Habitat Change and Restoration Alternatives on Salmon in the Chehalis River Basin Using a Salmonid Life-Cycle Model. U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA Contract Report NMFS-NWFSC-CR-2021-01.
Bowerman, T., A. Roumasset, M. L. Keefer, C. S. Sharpe, and C. C. Caudill. 2018. Prespawn mortality of female Chinook salmon increases with water temperature and percent hatchery origin. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 147:31-42.
Bowerman, T., A. Roumasset, M. L. Keefer, C. S. Sharpe, and C. C. Caudill. 2018. Prespawn mortality of female Chinook salmon increases with water temperature and percent hatchery origin. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 147:31-42.
Citation Link
Stressor Response csv data
(357 bytes)
Stressor (X) | Mean System Capacity (%) | SD | low.limit | up.limit |
8 | 99.74 | 0 | 99.74 | 99.74 |
10 | 99.44 | 0 | 99.44 | 99.44 |
12 | 98.8 | 0 | 98.8 | 98.8 |
14 | 97.43 | 0 | 97.43 | 97.43 |
16 | 94.59 | 0 | 94.59 | 94.59 |
18 | 88.96 | 0 | 88.96 | 88.96 |
20 | 78.8 | 0 | 78.8 | 78.8 |
22 | 63.16 | 0 | 63.16 | 63.16 |
24 | 44.15 | 0 | 44.15 | 44.15 |
26 | 26.72 | 0 | 26.72 | 26.72 |
28 | 14.39 | 0 | 14.39 | 14.39 |
30 | 7.2 | 0 | 7.2 | 7.2 |
32 | 3.45 | 0 | 3.45 | 3.45 |
Stressor Response Chart